Sr. Pastor Elias R. Vasquez
First Christian Church in Alice called Pastor Elias R. Vasquez on September 16, 1994 to do ministry for an older Anglo congregation. He has been here in Alice at First Christian Church (DC) for the past 20 years. Pastor Vasquez, prior to this, was Grant Administrator for Nueces
County where he served for 25 years after a 5 year tenure as a social worker. Since coming to the Lord Jesus Christ in May 13, 1973, he has been serving the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in an adminitrative capacity at the Area, Regional, and National levels; presiding over the Southwest Hispanic Convention for two terms (85-88) and presiding over the National Hispanic Bilingual Fellowship Confratenternity for two terms also (88 & 89). He did bi-vocational work since 1994 to 2006 when he retired from his secular job and went to serve full time as pastor at the church. He has served here faithfully for that tenure.
At first he maintained an elderly Anglo congregation through 2001 and then the congregation transitioned into mostly a Hispanic congregation with some Asian and Black families. Now it has become a multicultural English speaking church. The last 5 years we have started a children ministry that is flourishing. We have about 75 members in our congregation. Everyone is welcome to join us. This is a Christian family doing God's spiritual work.
Pastor Elias R. Vasquez recieved a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi, Tx in 1992 and has been licensed as a Pastor by the Disciples of Christ- Christian Church since 1995.

Assoc. Pastor Moses M. Vasquez
First Christian Church in Alice called Pastor Moses Vasquez on March 26, 2012 to first assist as a Music Minister for an older congregation. He has been here in Alice at First Christian Church (DC) for the past 9 years. Pastor Vasquez currently works as a Business Development Director for ICE Engineering in Corpus Christi. Since recommitting to the Lord Jesus Christ in March of 2012, he has also been serving the Christian Church Disciples of Christ in an administrative capacity at the Area and Regional levels; representing the Blue bonnet Area at the Southwest Hispanic Convention as Vice moderator (2019-2020). He has been bi-vocational, working since 2012 while serving full time as Youth Pastor and now as the Associate Pastor at the church. He has served here faithfully.
Pastor Moses has a passion for music and worship. He has led the worship team since 2012. The group has since flourished with the blessing of new committed and talented servants. He is a Licensed Minister of the Gospel and is currently on the 5th year of 6 year track to graduate from the D. of C. as a Commissioned Minister.
Pastor Moses Vasquez attended from Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi, Tx in 2000 and has been licensed as a Pastor by the Disciples of Christ- Christian Church since 2015. He is married to his beautiful wife Jessica and have a wonderful daughter named Brielle Alivia and now a son named Moses Elijah.
Youth Pastor Paul A. Gonzalez
First Christian Church in Alice called Pastor Paul A. Gonzalez on June 14, 2016 to minister to the teens in the congregation. He has been at First Christian Church Alice for 4 years . Other then being a Youth Pastor, he has been a full time Medical Assistant/Lab Tech for almost 7 years. Since coming to the Lord, Jesus Christ in November 12 , 2012 he has served on the board as a Vice President and is now President of the board at First Christian Church Alice. He also serves on the board for The Xodus Project a faith based 501 c3 nonprofit organization as a treasurer/ Medic. Youth Pastor Paul A. Gonzalez also serves on the Music team/Media Team here at First Christian Church Alice.
We want to welcome you to be a part of our Growing family. Everyone is welcome and will be treated with love. We look forward to meeting you and learning together in Christ Jesus.